514 254-6120
Separated Fathers inc.
Keep your balance in the separation

I am separated, what should I do?
10 Rules to follow
Seek information before making a decision you might regret;
Do not hesitate to ask for help, avoid isolating yourself;
Take care of your health and well-being;
Learn to manage conflict, for your child’s best interest;
Share what you are going through;
Give yourself sufficient time to heal the loss;
Keep communication line opened;
Seek what is in your control;
Maintain a personal journal;
Learn to 'let go', does not mean to forget.
Ten helpful personal & coparenting communication tools
How to communicate with your partner in a coparenting way; for the love of your child!
How to dialogue vs discuss; A new way to communicate, I may not agree with you, but I hear your need!
How to maintain healthy boundaries; how fatherhood helps us make the right choice.
How to bring perspective during difficult times; a step at a time while focusing on the bigger picture!
How to manage your emotions; 1st step, recogninzing anxiety, sadness,shame and anger, helps!
How to assert yourself; meaning how to respect myself while respecting my partner's needs; yr partner's needs, may need to be heard!
How your non-verbal speaks more than what you say; your child sees right through!
How to manage your circle of control vs your circle of concern; focus on what is in your power!
How to manage conflict; or how not to sacrifice the long term for the short term; how to make this transiton only temporary!
How to take care of self in order to be more present for you child; for the better care of your child!