514 254-6120
Separated Fathers inc.
Keep your balance in the separation

Our History, a legacy.
1997 – 1998
Pionneer and founder, Sylvain Camus, set the first get together of separated fathers around a kitchen table on October 21, 1997. During that same time, Sylvain was pursuing his masters' in Social Works at Mcgill University.
On April, 4th 1998, Separated Fathers inc. became incorporated as a non-profit organization with the goal of developing services aimed at helping fathers using a grieving-based model to adapt to their co-parenting realities.
Separated Fathers finds a permanent location in the east end of Montreal to provide a home for fathers undergoing difficult times in the greater region of Montreal.

Sylvain Camus, pionneer and founder of Separated Fathers inc.
In those days the distress of men as the result of a marital break down did not provide for much public debate. The community in general, was less concerned of fatherhood exercising their full capacity to parent and their access rights was fairly contained and marginalized.
Separated Fathers was member of the "table de concertation" for Mercier-Ouest Quartier en Santé and is in partnership with the Office Municipal d'Habitation de Montréal and the C.L.S.C. Olivier-Guimond. Separated Fathers is an accredited charitable organization by the Agency des accises and Revenue Canada, and by Revenu Quebec.
2002 – 2004
The organisation actively participated in the Gilles Rondeau working committee report “in the Les hommes s’ouvrir à leurs réalités et répondre à leurs besoins (2004), which publically described the realities of men and formulating recommendation with regards to their needs.
2008 – 2013
Separated Fathers is funded by the Ministère de la famille et des ainés which provided for an opportunity to hire a second intervention worker; three days a week. This gave offering to more sustained individual to co-parenting support services and four hours of legal information services per week.
Separated Fathers inc became officially accredited by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec on January 1st, 2014. It has since become a key source of reference for the CLSC intervention workers throughout Quebec.