514 254-6120
Separated Fathers inc.
Keep your balance in the separation
Click on the picture to listen the interview.
In French only.
15-18 July 6th, 2015 Edition
Resources to help men in distress
Click on the picture to listen the interview.
In French only.
MONTRÉALITÉS Issue of June 18, 2015
Presentation of the services offered by Separated Fathers
Other news reports and documents
Images de pères : Une Mosaique des Pères Québecois / Fathers Images: A Mosaic of the Fathers of Quebec (In French only)
Les pères Québécois, de plus en plus présents / Quebec fathers are more involved (In French only)
PSi soutien des pères qui vivent des situations difficiles / SFi support fathers who are in difficult situations (In French only)
Justice pour un père. Journal de Montréal. Samedi avril 2013,
Appelle au secours....PSI... / Call for help... SFi... (In French only)
Des Pères en détresse qui se retrouvent dans la rue / Fathers in distress who find themselves in the street (In French only)
Pères Séparés inc. un partenaire dans la communauté / Separated Fathers inc., a partner in the community (In French only)
Quand votre ennemi est votre amoureux / When your lover becomes your enemy (In French only)
Dans nos échanges interpersonnels, on peut survoler beaucoup de sujets sensibles sans se compromettre et sans réaliser qu'on
se protège ainsi de nos émotions et de ce que les autres peuvent en penser. / In our interpersonal exchanges, we can tackle many sensitive topics without compromising and without realizing that we so protects ourselves from our feelings and from what the others can think of it. (In French only)
La Troisième Guerre Mondiale / World War III, a powerful documentary that all parents and caregivers should see. It shows how better to listen to our children. (In French only)
The Teenage Brain. A documentary by David Suzuki broadcast on the CBC network. This documentary helps us better understand the behaviors in adolescence, a stage of life that is both full of challenges and so creatively.
La Dictature affective / Affective Dictatorship, is a shocking documentary on parental alienation produced by journalist Karina Marceau.
(In French only)
Le bien-fait des groupes de soutien / The benefit of support groups, a revealing documentary produced by National Geographic on "Stress, Portrait of a killer," which scientifically demonstrates how even self-help support groups, using compassion and empathetic communication, can help us heal in some situations. Dr. Robert Sapolsky